Tyre Maintenance Guide

How to Check Condition of Your Bike’s Tyres?

We all know that bike tyres eventually get worn out due to extensive use and hence they need replacement after a certain period. It is important to ensure that the bike tyres are in optimum condition otherwise you could be making yourself prone to accidents and are hampering the riding and handling characteristics of the motorcycle.

Motorcycle riders are inherently prone to injuries and accidents. Hence, it is important to have tyres that offer optimum traction, especially over wet surfaces, and have effective braking capability.

One doesn’t need to be a specialist to know when to change the tyres. Basic changes in performance and handling, coupled with a good hard look at them is enough to tell you about their condition. A lot of people believe that there is no point in changing the tyres until they are completely worn out. However, if you want to avoid unforeseen circumstances that leave you troubled, then you best change your tyres as and when needed.

Checking the condition of the tyres on your bike – Simpler than you thought

People unnecessarily make a big deal out of tyre inspection. They think it takes a lot of knowledge to know when to change the tyres. However, that is not the case. If you know how to read the signs, then you can tell what condition they are in. Mentioned below are a few methods using which you can check the condition of your motorbike tyre:

  • Measuring the tread

The centre section of the tyre is the part that comes in contact with the road most. It is called the contact patch. That is why, it is the part that wears out most from being exposed to friction constantly. You need to check for the tread on the tyre. They should be at least 1.5 mm deep. Anything lesser than this would have you struggling on the roads for confident traction.

  • Shelf life: Everything comes with a span and bike tyres are no different. It is advised that one should replace tyres after a span of 4 years. After this period the rubber starts hardening and tyre fails to offer adequate grip, especially over wet surfaces.
  • Uneven wear and tear: Another way to check the condition of your tyre is by checking for uneven wear & tears. Uneven wear and tear occurs due to mechanical problems. They include problems with transmission, a balancing fault, faulty shock-absorbers or even worn out brackets. Also, wrong inflation pressure could lead to an abnormal wear and tear of your tyre. Therefore, if you think that your tyre is wearing out relatively quickly or notice some abnormal defects in your tyre, then it would be best to get it checked.
  • Cleaning the tyre: Another important thing to check for is the cleanliness of the tyre. Due to extensive use, tyres tend to accumulate all kinds of dirt and residue. Not cleaning the tyre occasionally and letting the dirt accumulate might seem like a good idea now but will prove to be counter-productive in the end. It can tamper with the efficiency of the tyres, which in turn will affect your bike’s performance too. It can also reduce the age of the tyre and make it vulnerable to damages.
  • Defects: Another way to check the condition of your tyre is by inspecting it for defects after every couple of weeks. Repairing them will ensure that your tyre lasts longer than they do for most people because it doesn’t weaken the tyre.

These are the 5 basic ways that you can follow to keep tabs on the condition of your bike tyre.It is important to check the condition from time to time, so you can fix the small errors and not have to buy new tyres often.

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